Shipping Policy
As the shipper, we accept full liability for the care of your order until it has been turned over to the shipping company, at which point all delivery claims and inquiries are processed through the shipping service's claim management system. All claims are subject to the shipping service's scrutiny and deliberation, and the shipping service is liable for all packages lost in transit. All packages marked successfully delivered are not subject to claims inquiries.
If your item has shipped, but you have not yet received it, w recommend visiting your local post office in-person first to help find your item.
File a claim with USPS on their website here if and only if your parcel shipped via USPS and you've waited a sufficient period for your parcel to arrive and have visited your local post office in-person and still cannot track down your purchase
Return & Exchange Policy
All items are final sale and ineligible for return unless for the following reason:
1. If you received a damaged or incorrect item, please contact customer service immediately. Just Filth will provide a free exchange or full refund for defective items when notified within 7 days of receipt, provided the items are unworn and with all original tags attached.
Custom Necklaces are non refundable!